Winter Driving Safety Tips
With the change in season, we find ourselves battling not only the frigid temperatures and darkness but severe weather conditions. Even though we know that the snow and ice will come along with the winter months, preparing to drive in these conditions may be an afterthought. Winter driving is more complicated, and when the snow hits the ground, we all have to be more aware of the road conditions.
Drivers should remember to follow safe driving procedures every time they set out in their car because we all know that it just takes a slight miscalculation for an accident to occur. To help you get into the spirit of the season safely, here are a few of our Winter Safety Driving Tips:
Essential Winter Maintenance:
• Top up your windshield washer fluid and ensure your windshield wipers are in good working order
• Check your car battery condition
• In the event of the unexpected, be prepared and store emergency items such as a scraper, a flashlight, a small shovel, a blanket, and an extra layer of clothing in case you get stuck
• Be sure to clear all car windows, mirrors, and roof of snow and frost before leaving
Stay Alert When Visibility is Low:
• Be extra careful
• Be vigilant during lousy weather
• Drive with confidence and know your next move
• Expect what other drivers may do around you
Winter tires for Winter Driving:
• Winter tires are designed with cold weather in mind and stay supple in temperatures well below freezing. Winter tires translate to better braking and grip on snowy, icy roads.
Take Your Time:
• Drive at a slower pace
• Do not tailgate
• Always leave yourself more time and space to slow down and turn
• Avoid sudden moves as much as possible
• If you have anti-lock brakes, apply constant pressure rather than pump the breaks – the system will do the rest.
Stay Cool, Calm, and In Control:
• Do not use cruise control in icy, snowy, or wet conditions. You want to have complete control of the car rather than automatically accelerate the system.
Gluckstein Lawyers is a strong supporter of injury prevention, especially on our roads, and we wish everyone a safe winter season.
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